Dermatologist Tips September 18, 2012
By News- Hair care: Protect your hair from the sun – Times of India
Hair care: Protect your hair from the sun
Times of India
Dr. Nipun Jain, Dermatologist with Shri Balaji Action Medical Institute shares some vital tips in hair protection that anyone can follow. Sun reaction: Sun rays are made up of two kinds of rays that ruin the texture of your hair. Dr. Nipun says, "UVA …
- Lice: Five tips on preventing and treating the school-year pest – Toronto Star
Toronto StarLice: Five tips on preventing and treating the school-year pest
Toronto Star
Here are five tips to dodge or deal with this common school year issue: 1.Realize anyone can get it. Dr. John Kraft, a dermatologist in Markham, says one of the most important misconceptions about lice is that uncleanliness or dirty hair is a factor …
- Skin Doctor Offers Tips to Reduce Acne – iVillage Entertainment
Skin Doctor Offers Tips to Reduce Acne
iVillage Entertainment
Opting for a gentle cleanser is just one of several simple changes acne sufferers can make to improve their complexion, noted Dr. Amanda Friedrichs, a dermatologist in private practice in Sycamore, Ill. "It's very common for patients with acne to scrub …
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- Diagnosing Skin Cancer via iPhone: The Apps to Know – The Atlantic
The AtlanticDiagnosing Skin Cancer via iPhone: The Apps to Know
The Atlantic
What this translates to is a massive market of conditions so easy to diagnose that they possess relatively low liability, a fact that's putting dermatology at the forefront of some extremely impressive mobile and telemedicine technology. "Mobile …
source: Google News

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