Posts Tagged ‘stretch mark cream’
By Annabelle Roylance •Feb 25th, 2008 • Category: Home Remedies, Questions and Advice, Stretch Mark Cream, Stretch Marks
Are there any natural remedies to fade stretch marks? Nowadays there is more than one way to treat this frustrating skin condition. In fact there are so many different potential treatments that the choices can be overwhelming. You can opt for an over the counter cream such as Trilastin SR or Revitol Stretch Mark Prevention [...]
By Annabelle Roylance •Feb 22nd, 2008 • Category: emu oil, Questions and Advice, Skin Care News, Stretch Mark Cream
… of ANTM, aspiring model Jennifer, from Orlando confessed, to Tyra that she had stretch marks all across the lower half of her stomach. She listened to her story and watched her model a bikini, but Tyra Banks did not recommend TriLASTIN-SR or endorse it. >> Click Here for a limited time special pricing offer [...]
By Annabelle Roylance •Feb 18th, 2008 • Category: Questions and Advice, Stretch Mark Cream
Regardless of the steps taken to remove them, there will often be some hint of your former stretch marks. They are scars after all. The idea is to find and use the best cream for removing stretch marks and to reduce their appearance to be as minimal as possible. The good news is that the [...]
By Annabelle Roylance •Feb 3rd, 2008 • Category: Captiva, Product Comparisons, Stretch Mark Cream
Compares Captiva, Trilastin, Revitol, Stretta and Barmon. Find out which is better.
By Annabelle Roylance •Jan 25th, 2008 • Category: Stretch Mark Cream
… off everything at Trilastin, CLICK HERE and use code feb15off, expires 2/28 With each new Trilastin customer review it is becoming increasing clear that Trilastin SR is a both a popular and effective accepted stretch mark cream. Not all creams live up to the hype put forth by their manufacturers but with the testimonials [...]
By Annabelle Roylance •Jan 17th, 2008 • Category: Stretch Marks
… pregnancy. In addition to providing much needed moisture to the skin, these creams nurture the skin with the essential nutrients it needs to repair any damage that has been done. Stretch marks can appear almost anywhere including the hips, breasts, thighs, arms, stomach and buttocks. They show up as red, white or even purple [...]
By Annabelle Roylance •Jan 13th, 2008 • Category: Stretch Marks
More than 50% of all women who are pregnant will get severe stretch marks while they are pregnant. According to the makers of Revitol Stretch Mark Prevention, this is one of the leading factors than can cause insecurity among women. Scientifically called “striae gravidarum”, streth marks vary in appurtenance. Women with lighter skin tend to [...]
By Annabelle Roylance •Jan 7th, 2008 • Category: Anti Aging, Stretch Mark Cream
Strivectin SD was first made available to the public in 2002 by exclusive distributor Klein-Becker. It was originally developed as a stretch mark removal cream, however it has exploded in popularity as an anti wrinkle skin cream. In fact it is now one of the best skin care products available for that purpose. Yes Strivectin [...]
By Annabelle Roylance •Jan 6th, 2008 • Category: Stretch Marks
… and get your money back. You are no worse of if you spend $150 and get $150 back than if you spend $75 and get $75 back. If this is your first time researching all the different stretch mark removers you will quickly find out that there is a large variety to choose from. [...]
By Annabelle Roylance •Jan 5th, 2008 • Category: Stretch Marks
When you find out you are pregnant you know things are going to be different. Everything from how your clothes fit to body changes. Unfortunately this also means you might get stretch marks. Pregnancy stretch marks are marks left on the skin when it is pulled by very quick growth or weight gain. The usual [...]